
Who is Tronog and what do they do? 

Tronog is a leading 3D visual studio that specialises in producing above industry quality 3D product models, exceptional mass imaging services, and innovative configurators in order to truly make your products stand out and make your product design process much simpler, efficient and effective.  

Recently Tronog has made great leaps in its mass imaging services and the production of 3D product models by specialising in creating what is known as a “digital twin”, which is a process of producing a highly realistic digital 3D product based on raw product data such as drawings, sketches or any other relevant blueprints. 

This method of using digital twins in product design and production has many applications in various different industries and is in our eyes, the future of efficient and most importantly, sustainable product design. 


How do digital twins work? 

In simplified terms, a digital twin is a virtual model that is designed to accurately look and function the same as the real life product after which it is made. Based on your product blueprints, sketches and ideas, we design a digital twin which then can serve many purposes throughout the design process. A digital twin primarily serves as a digital prototype of your product which you can adjust and adapt until you get to a version that resembles your final desired product. 


What are the benefits of using digital twins? 

Because digital twins are created on a basis of drawings and blueprints, this means that the creation of a first hand digital prototype can be made without any physical product having to exist in the first place. For any business, this means that it can start producing prototypes with minimal resource and time investment at the start, while also not needing to take any photos of the product with professional studio photography, as the digital twin can replace all of these functions, where the aim is to progressively mould it into the final product that is wanted. In this way, digital twins make it easier for smaller businesses to start designing and selling their products as these digital twin products can then also be integrated into any online shop for virtual viewing and shopping.  

The second benefit concerning digital twins is that with each version of these digital products, you produce a slightly more accurate and refined version which eventually corresponds to the final product you are looking for. By digitising the prototype process you are making sure that all resources invested are being used much more efficiently since you are not wasting time, money or resources on developing physical products which may not even sell in the end or be much more expensive and timely to produce in the first place. In this way digital twins do not compromise the quality of the product you are trying to sell, but instead enhance it through highly technological procedures, while ensuring a much more sustainable production process for the company. 

Lastly and most importantly, by being able to start your production process without a physical product being needed to begin with, this means that you can greatly speed up your time to market and get your products out there as soon as possible for selling. With digital twins you also avoid the issue of holding excess product stock since with the digital prototype you can first see what the demand for such a product would be like and then adjusting supply as needed. By optimising your design and production process, you are bringing sustainability to the forefront of your business while simultaneously driving more sales and helping you stay ahead of the competition.  


Final words 

At Tronog we firmly believe that a more modern and up to date approach is needed within the design industry, where mass image productions and the making of 3D models via digital twins could be exactly the kind of step up that is needed. With sustainability being at the forefront of many companies' objectives nowadays, this kind of digital solution could provide a gateway into better resource allocation within your companies as well as ensuring a lightning fast time to market to further drive sales and growth, while keeping costs and resources at a minimum. 


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